We have all heard gross stories about dirty food processing factories and non-halal-certified Foo Chuk makes among the common gross food-processing facts that might spoil your next meal, but you need to know to avoid risking your health and your loved ones. 

Fondly known as Foo Chuk in Southeast Asia, Tofu skin or dried bean curd skin is made by lifting away the sheet that forms on the surface of heated soy milk.

The sheet is then hung to dry in an open space before it is all collected and packed. Due to its damp nature of how it is made, non-halal certified production lines easily become a breeding ground for flies more often than not. 

Not only that, the use of wooden planks as dividers in the processing trays for soy milk, could lead to bacterial growth and the presence of wood splinters in the Foo Chuk too.

To make matters worse, the sights of cats and dogs wandering around the non-halal certified food processing areas can cause animal hair and more bacteria to contaminate the Foo Chuk as well. 

Halal is an all-encompassing concept with various connotations because of social and cultural differences. Religious conformity prevents further evaluation by the consumers. Consumers’ purchase intentions for meat and meat products are more strongly governed by religious beliefs than those for any other commodities. 

There have also been cases where workers who are processing the Foo Chuk are caught preparing the food not wearing their shirts because it is too warm, let alone aprons, hats, and gloves. 

Soy processing machine that has not been cleaned for years are also among the common findings at Foo Chuk factory. 

GWe at Verify Halal urge all consumers to avoid buying from non-halal food operators and prioritise quality, cleanliness and hygiene by downloading Verify Halal app to choose only halal-certified Foo Chuk brands and to verify the halal status of other halal products, premises and abattoirs. 


  • promostath

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  • ErnestSox

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