A unique platform is required to serve as a secured digital expressway that connects the different databases throughout the supply chain via multiple blockchain-secured ledgers, allowing users to take advantage of the system’s secure connections and interface to quickly join the global Halal digital chain.

Blockchain presents new challenges to regulators looking to protect consumers and markets, according to Amnah Shaari, Group CEO and Founder of Serunai Commerce Sdn Bhd. However, the rigidity with which regulators in the world’s major economies have approached blockchain has served to stifle innovation and growth.

“Nevertheless, as governments and other public organisations see the benefits of this technology and develop a regulatory model that encourages innovation while protecting consumers, that could be an eye opener for others,” she said at the Iskandar Global Innovation and Technology Exchange (IGNITE) 2021 on September 28th, 2021.

IGNITE 2021 is a series of online events and virtual sessions, culminating in the IGNITE Innovation Conference 2021, providing an avenue for future oriented, technology-driven, and innovative minds to come together to share knowledge, ideas, and thoughts about the direction of Innovation and Emerging Technology for Malaysia and the region.

The event was organised to leverage on these challenging times where corporations, policymakers, industry-enablers and innovation and technology enthusiasts can together explore in creating opportunities and igniting ideas to come up with best solutions.

IGNITE 2021 had also focused on how Innovation and Emerging Tech will impact how we live our lives and prepare for the future; looking at what needs to be done for us to move faster, plan better, reach further, anticipate more accurately, react more readily, and share more equitably.

The panellists of the “Blockchain-Halal Industry” session finished by emphasising the significance of ensuring that the entire Halal supply chain, from farm to fork, is not jeopardised. 

In response to the growing threat to the Halal supply chain, Serunai Commerce develops the Halal Digital Chain (HADIC™). By utilising distributed ledger technology (DLT), HADIC™’s sophisticated connection system is recognised to be able to ensure that the entire Halal supply chain is not compromised.

For more info on HADIC™, log on to https://serunai-test-7ab8bd.ingress-earth.ewp.live/Serunai/Hadic

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