The halal mark on the product is a guarantee that it does not contain ingredients or additives that are prohibited by Islamic regulations. The fact that it is worth 66 billion euros per year, with constant growth of even 15%, speaks volumes about the strength of this market in the European Union. It is therefore not surprising that interest in the certification of these natural products is growing among Croatian producers as well.
We have about 4,500 halal products with which we conquer the markets of Muslim countries.
Croatia is a beautiful country, tourists come from Asia and the Middle East, and it is good that you offer halal products that are not related to religion, but can attract even more wealthy Muslims, said Amnah Shaari, director of Serunai Group Malaysia.
About a hundred Croatian companies, restaurants, hotels and health institutions have the necessary certificate as a guarantee of sustainable halal products.
We have more than 3,000 production halal units in our assortment, we have recognized the trends in the world and we can boast that we are on the shelves all over the world, said Mirela Lukač , head of Podravka market support.
Zagreb can be proud of having the most restaurants and hotels that offer quality halal service.
Zagreb records the largest number of arrivals of guests looking for halal service. Only then is the coast, as we say, sun and sea, so halal contributes to the year-round development of tourism, explained Aldin Dugonjić , director of the Halal Quality Certification Center.
Three of our producers of oil, meat and honey are new recipients of halal certificates.
This certificate means a lot to us. For us, this is a step forward that opens up new possibilities for increasing production. In addition to exports, we are also in contact with our department stores and hotels, said Goran Škobić , director Dr. Skobić.
Just as we have a successful cooperation with kosher exports, we expect to continue exporting products with halal certification in those markets that have these requirements, said Mario Radunović , sales director of Zvijezda plus.
It is good that touristic Croatia has something to offer the galloping halal industry, whose value in the world is estimated at 635 billion dollars.
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