The global pandemic has gotten people to opt for more quality food. Apart from halal-certified food that guarantees safety, cleanliness and hygiene, some take it to an even greater extent by consuming organic meat.

With a price difference that could go up to more than 100% difference, organic halal meat come from animals that are fed with 100-per cent organic feed.

They are not given antibiotics or hormones and are allowed to graze in open pastures similar to the animals’ natural living conditions most of the times.

In fact, organic feed given to these animals is grown in soil that’s free from pesticides and synthetic fertilisers.

Although organic and non-organic meats are both rich in essential nutrients, both types of meat contain varying amounts of saturated and unsaturated fats, depending on how much fat marbling is in the meat due to the kind of diet and the lives they get before they end up under the butcher’s knife.

Sustainable life and animal-friendly farming also become among other reason why there are people who opt for halal organic meat as an alternative to mass meat production especially when faith and ethical standard comes into play not only for Muslims.

Green eating and farming practices combined with halal meat protocols also become among the contributing factor as they believe that animal should be healthy and have a big clean space to live where animals are raised without synthetic chemicals and have high welfare standards.

Without a doubt, organic halal meat production may improve the nutritional value of organic meat, while simultaneously reducing exposure to antibiotics, growth hormones, and pesticides.

Stay informed and updated with the latest info in the halal world by downloading Verify Halal and to verify the halal status of halal products, premises and abattoirs.

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